MacWorld 1998 September
Macworld (1998-09).dmg
Shareware World
For Developers
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BASIC Source File
62 lines
100 rem ** A Demo of 3 sprites bouncing around over a changing background **
110 rem
120 dim x(10),y(10),dx(10),dy(10)
150 gosub 340
155 print " boxes and sprites ";time$
160 for i2 = 1 to 600000
170 x1 = x(4)+rnd(320)
180 x2 = x(4)+rnd(320)
190 if (x1 > x2) then 170
200 y1 = y(4)+rnd(240)
210 y2 = y(4)+rnd(240)
220 if (y1 > y2) then 200
230 m = rnd(32)
240 j = rnd(100) : j2 = rnd(100) : j3 = rnd(100)
250 graphics color j,j2,j3
260 if rnd(10) > 6 then goto 290
270 graphics fillrect x1,y1,x2,y2,m : graphics rect x1,y1,x2,y2
280 goto 300
290 graphics filloval x1,y1,x2,y2,m : graphics oval x1,y1,x2,y2
300 if i2 and 1 then gosub 450
310 graphics(0) : rem *** wait for refresh ***
320 next i2
330 end
340 rem *** display an initial background ***
350 cls
360 graphics 0
370 for i = 1 to 20
380 moveto 10,10*i : lineto 200,10*i
390 moveto 10*i,10 : lineto 10*i,200
400 next i
410 t = timer
420 moveto 210,100 : graphics drawtext "Demo"
430 for i = 1 to 10 : x(i) = 100+i : y(i) = 100-i : next i
440 return
450 rem *** Display and Move Sprites ***
460 sprite 1 x(1),y(1),131
470 sprite 2 x(2),y(2),128
480 sprite 3 x(3),y(3),129
485 graphics window -1,-1,x(4),y(4),2
490 for i = 1 to 4
500 dx(i) = dx(i)-1+rnd(3)
510 if abs(dx(i)) > 10 then dx(i) = dx(i)/2
520 x(i) = x(i)+dx(i)
530 if x(i) > 310 or x(i) < 8
532 dx(i) = sgn(100-x(i))*abs(dx(i)) : x(i) = x(i)+2*dx(i)
534 if i < 4 then sound 400,0.05,40
536 endif
540 dy(i) = dy(i)-1+rnd(3)
550 if abs(dy(i)) > 10 then dy(i) = dy(i)/2
560 y(i) = y(i)+dy(i)
570 if y(i) > 220 or y(i) < 8
572 dy(i) = sgn(100-y(i))*abs(dy(i)) : y(i) = y(i)+2*dy(i)
574 if i < 4 then sound 400,0.05,40
576 endif
580 next i
582 if x(4) > graphics(-38)-320 then x(4) = graphics(-38)-322
584 if y(4) > graphics(-39)-240 then y(4) = graphics(-39)-242
590 n = n+1
600 if timer-t > 10 then print (n-n0)/(timer-t);" fps",fre : t = timer : n0 = n
610 return
620 end